From the central station to your home, alarm monitoring allows for the protection of a building or home during closing hours or when the home/building owner is away. A central station alarm monitoring center uses software and trained operators to reach out to home/building owners, or emergency services, when an alarm signal is received. Monitored alarm systems give a layer of protection to safeguard assets like workers, business documents and currency and prevent property loss. For home systems, a telephone line that is already installed for the user’s telephone service sends a signal to the monitoring station to report the location of the user and the type of alarm. This field covers personal emergency response systems (PERS), mobile personal emergency response systems (mPERS), Do-It-Yourself (DIY) systems, Do-It-With-Me (DIWM) systems, Do-It-Together (DIT) systems, professionally installed systems, central station monitoring and more. Technology-wise, alarm monitoring includes digital communicators, scanners, host processing systems, intrusion devices, motion devices, medical or panic buttons, host processor system, agency terminal units, radio transmitters, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and more. Together, central station monitoring and home systems give a variety of customers with different needs the protection they need with many solutions to choose from.
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