Monday — July 19, 2021
Monday, July 19, 2021
Session Time: 8:45 AM - 9:30 AM
Track: COVID-19 Response & Public Safety and Health
Speaker: James Segil - Openpath Security
Now that we have seen how quickly a pandemic event can impact every level of a business, we are taking a closer look at how enterprise-class system administrators will need to shift physical security measures to meet the demands of the “new normal” and take necessary precautions to be safeguarded in the future. In this 60-minute session, we will address the current limitations of physical security systems, as well as how organizations can audit their current system to mitigate risk, including ways to reduce common touch points, accommodate changing work schedules, and how cloud technology can help multi-site organizations stay ahead of the curve with remote access to their entire platform.
Monday, July 19, 2021
Session Time: 8:45 AM - 9:30 AM
Track: Business Development and Strategic Management
Lead Facilitator: Nigel Waterton - Arcules
Facilitator: Ryan Schonfeld - RAS Security Group
Facilitator: Gregory Keeling - New York Security Solutions
The year 2020 presented many security companies with significant business challenges as a result of the spread of coronavirus, work-from-home mandates and an economic downturn. During this challenging time many end users needed security in locations that are experiencing low occupancy as a result of work-from-home policies or in vacant facilities altogether. For integrators, the challenge was keeping a balance between continuing to install projects while keeping the health and well-being of technicians and employees top-of-mind. Considering these factors, business resiliency in times of crisis can be built by integrators implementing a number of strategies in an effort to build business, diversify their portfolio and drive awareness to new and emerging revenue streams. In this presentation, panelists will discuss ways to make this possible, the challenges involved and how to overcome them in a forward-thinking way.
Monday, July 19, 2021
Session Time: 8:45 AM - 9:30 AM
Track: Tec@ISC Presented by PSA
Panelist: Candice Aragon - PSA Security Network
Moderator: Christine Lanning, PSP - Integrated Security Technologies
Panelist: John M. Nemerofksy - Sage Integration
Panelist: Kasia Hanson - Intel
Leaders shape our organizations, our communities, and our nation. We need good leaders to direct activities and focus attention where it is needed for making the essential large-scale decisions that keep our worlds moving forward. Leaders do not command excellence, they build excellence. This excellence can not only be built within business organizations, but also in the community. The more an organization or community and the leaders within are aligned in the overall vision, the greater the chance of success. In this panel discussion, leaders will discuss and describe processes for building and developing a pathway to success with measurable, accountable outcomes. Ideas will be shared and discussed between the panel and the audience creating a pathway to develop a clearly defined vision for businesses, organizations, and local communities.
Monday, July 19, 2021
Session Time: 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Track: Business Development and Strategic Management
Moderator: Lessing Gold - Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp
Panelist: Su Kohn Ross - Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp
Panelist: Tony A. Adler - Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp
There have been many new laws and regulations adopted by local, state and federal authorities which affect security companies. These regulations impact privacy, intellectual property and other areas which may involve security companies when they are looking to either buy or sell the company. Buyers must beware and sellers prepared. Therefore, due diligence by both becomes exceedingly important. This presentation will identify due diligence which should be engaged in by buyers to determine whether seller's company is in compliance with current rules and regulations and for sellers to make certain that they are in compliance when contemplating a sale of their company.
Monday, July 19, 2021
Session Time: 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Track: Tec@ISC Presented by PSA
Panelist: Ric McCullough - The PSA Network
Moderator: Chris Peterson - Vector Firm
Panelist: Shaun Castillo - Preferred Technologies, LLC
Panelist: Christine Lanning, PSP - Integrated Security Technologies
Performance metrics are a powerful tool of organizational change. The saying, “what gets measured, gets done,” is true. Companies that define objectives, establish goals, measure progress, reward achievement, and display the results for all to see can accelerate productivity and gracefully move an organization in a new direction. In this session, panelists will discuss how to create and build metrics that will help drive employee’s behavior through defining and communicating strategic objectives tailored to every individual and role throughout the organization. Attendees can leave this session and utilize the metrics to gauge employee performance and employees use it to focus on what is important and help them achieve their personal performance plans.
Monday, July 19, 2021
Session Time: 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Track: COVID-19 Response & Public Safety and Health
Speaker: Kyle Hopkins - AlertTrace
Speaker: Omar Ghazzaoui - OTTOGEE, Vos Systems
This presentation explores various use cases of wearable technology for return-to-work environments in a post-pandemic era. From contact tracing to predictive analytics, wearable technology devices present an opportunity to enhance workplace health and safety while providing valuable information about worker locations, high traffic access points and other proximity data that can help inform decisions about effective facility management and security operations. Presenters will explain how wearable devices are currently deployed at high-security facilities and major companies to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 among employees while respecting individuals’ rights to privacy and complying with current cybersecurity and data protection regulations and best practices.
Monday, July 19, 2021
Session Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Track: Workshop
Speaker: Ben Scaglione, CPP - White Plains Hospital
Speaker: David LaRose, CPP, CHPA - ADT Commercial / eSRG
Active Shooter Workshop: Under today’s threat environment active shootings have unfortunately maintained a very deadly and real threat for businesses and communities. Regardless of the business model or size, employees and guests have fallen victim to these vicious attacks that occur without warning or impunity. This hands-on workshop focuses on how a business and its employees are not silent observers in deadly emergencies, but a valuable partner who can provide clarity, assistance and guidance to the first responder community. While we are an information society that thrives on timely and actionable communications when facing barbaric acts, this session helps you discover the communications platform and infrastructure to determine the plan on who should dispatch these messages. Stop the Bleed Workshop: Motivated by the 2012 tragedy in Sandy Hook and multiple tragedies that have occurred in the ensuring years, what has become known as the Harford Consensus was convened to bring together leaders from law enforcement, the federal government, and the medical community to improve survivability from manmade or natural mass casualty events. The resulting injuries from these events generally present with severe bleeding which, if left attended, can result in death. The participants of the Hartford Consensus concluded that by providing first responders (law enforcement) and civilian bystanders the skills and basic tools to stop uncontrolled bleeding in an emergency, lives would be saved. The first responder program has received very good response and is widely being used across the country. The next step is to focus on needs of civilian bystanders. Civilians need basic training in Bleeding Control principles, so they are able to provide immediate, frontline aid until first responders are able to take care of an injured person. Due to many situations, there may be a delay between the time of injury and the time a first responder is on the scene. Without civilian intervention in these circumstances, preventable deaths will occur. The American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma is leading the effort to save lives by teaching the civilian population to provide vital response to stop uncontrolled bleeding in emergency situations.
Monday, July 19, 2021
Session Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Track: Learning Lab
Speaker: Nathan Brown, PMP, CPP - University of Kentucky
Speaker: Tom Sorrell, RCDD, LEED AP, NICET - CMTA Technology
In recent years, the convergence of technology and security has expanded the options available to facility managers to customize physical security. Risk assessments can assist to better understanding the vulnerabilities of a site and provide both base-level and enhanced security solutions to mitigate those threats. This presentation is designed to provide a foundation for developing a security master plan and leverage policies and technology using risk assessments to provide varying levels of security appropriately. This presentation will be beneficial to both new and current facility security decision makers.
Monday, July 19, 2021
Session Time: 1:15 PM - 2:00 PM
Track: COVID-19 Response & Public Safety and Health
Speaker: John Halsema - ARES Security Corporation
Speaker: Alan Zelicoff, MD - ARES Security Corporation
The global COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in significant impacts on the US and the World. It is estimated that the impact and efforts to contain this virus will have global economic costs of more than $5 trillion dollars and, at the time of writing, has resulted in more than 60,000 deaths in the U.S. alone. With limited available testing and no vaccination for COVID-19, early identification and containment of infected persons is the only method to slow or stop the current infection and any recurrence. This capability to quickly identify potential hot spots or outbreaks will also prevent follow-up or future outbreaks.
Monday, July 19, 2021
Session Time: 1:15 PM - 2:00 PM
Track: Tec@ISC Presented by PSA
Moderator: Gary Hoffner - PSLA Security
Panelist: Christopher Peckham, PhD, PE, CISSP - Ollivier Corporation
Panelist: Tyrone Chambliss - Northland Controls
Panelist: Antoinette King, PSP, DPPS - Credo Cyber Consulting, LLC
During this session, panelists will be giving an overview on how cyber risk is business risk from a financial, legal, operational, and reputational standpoint. The panel is experts will share ideas with attendees on how to identify cyber threats, threat actors and will review the different types of attacks. Attendees will learn about potential vulnerabilities in important business systems and assets and the importance of the role of leadership and the governance for cybersecurity. In this session, attendees will discover technologies and tools to help protect systems and networks along with ideas for incident response and accountability in the event of a cyberattack. Lastly, the panel will explain how to create and deploy a mitigation strategy.
Monday, July 19, 2021
Session Time: 1:15 PM - 2:00 PM
Track: Business Development & Strategic Management
Facilitator: Ben Scaglione, CPP - White Plains Hospital
Facilitator: David LaRose, CPP, CHPA - ADT Commercial / eSRG
Had enough talk about COVID-19? Let’s put that behind us and talk about the new normal for security. What the future looks like. Has the role of the security officer changed? How has the role of the CSO changed? What security processes have changed over the past 18 months? How has our technology purchasing habits have changed? What does the future of technology look like? Will the current trends change back to the past or evolve going forward? All these questions and more will be discussed in a moderated open discussion. Learn from the panel of experts and peers attending the session on their experiences and opinions on how security has changed and what the future of security may be.
Monday, July 19, 2021
Session Time: 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Track: Workshop
Speaker: Issam (Izzy) Sharif - Axis Communications Educational Services
Learn how to incorporate network audio into new or existing surveillance solutions to turn a reactive solution into a proactive deterrent. Offer a high-quality network audio solution tailored for security and safety, as well as background music and announcements for any application. Benefit from network audio devices - an all-in-one, cost-effective, integrated audio solution with everything you need built right in. Add and update network audio systems quickly and easily, maintaining the devices from a central software management system. Network audio will help to create an intelligent solution that can integrate with an existing system for music streaming, event-driven applications, scheduled announcements, paging and even audio analytics.
Monday, July 19, 2021
Session Time: 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Track: Learning Lab
Moderator: Taylor May - SecurityVIP Podcast LLC
Panelist: Mike Matranga, Former United States Secret Service Agent, Former Department of Interior Agent, Former Executive Director of Texas City Independent School District - M6 Global Defense Group
Panelist: Rob Huberty - ZeroEyes
Panelist: Beth J. Sanborn - Lower Gwynedd Township Police
Panelist: Tony Munoz- M6 Global Defense
In this discussion on-site at ISC West, participants will hear from panelists in K-12, Gaming, and Government on how they prepare for active shooter scenarios and the security challenges of the unknown. In addition, participants will be able to gain insight on cutting edge technology, phased security approaches, and how to be proactive with a limited budget.
Monday, July 19, 2021
Session Time: 2:30 PM - 3:15 PM
Track: Tec@ISC Presented by PSA
Panelist: Anthony Berticelli - PSA Security Network
Moderator: Tim Brooks - PSA
Panelist: Jim DeStefano - Unlimited Technology, Inc.
Panelist: Eva Mach - Pro-Tec Design
What does a successful integration customer support team look and feel like for a security integrator? How can integrators manage delivering the best customer service while experiencing rapid growth and the changes that come with it? What are the skills managers and employees need to better understand and support the end user? In this session, panelists will provide tools and a framework to structure support teams based on what industry peers have learned from their experiences.
Monday, July 19, 2021
Session Time: 2:30 PM - 3:15 PM
Track: COVID-19 Response & Public Safety and Health
Moderator: Chris Hugman - System Surveyor
Panelist: Ken Walker, MBA, PMP, CSM - Assurant
Panelist: Rob St. Jean - Boston Consulting Group
Even before the pandemic, enterprise security leaders felt pressure to standardize their system design across multiple sites. Doing so strengthens security, speeds crisis response, simplifies operations, and streamlines budgeting and planning processes. It also prepares the organization to confirm security and risk compliance at a moment's notice. In the post-pandemic world, it’s become even more important to carefully manage physical security across sites. Vulnerabilities have emerged, such as disparate systems across sites that cannot be centrally monitored. In addition, digital transformation has become an imperative, especially for remote collaboration and management. While the physical security industry has leveraged advanced technology for years, many security professionals take an antiquated, manual approach to systems planning and design. Often, they conduct site surveys with paper floor plans and pencils, cell phone photos, and multiple trips to the location. Then they e-mail plans to partners. This hinders a coordinated, efficient approach to site design, installation, and maintenance. This session addresses how to standardize your approach to system design, whether you are managing a handful of sites or hundreds of locations locally or globally. This includes a look at collaboration technologies and processes that make working with your vendor and subcontractor ecosystem more secure, quick, and effective.
Monday, July 19, 2021
Session Time: 2:30 PM - 3:15 PM
Track: Business Development and Strategic Management
Panelist: Benjamin M. Butchko, PMP, CPP - Butchko•ESI
Panelist: Darin Dillon, CPP - Pivot3
Panelist: Sean Stewart, CPP, PSP - CenterPoint Energy
Risk assessment programs are common across industries, but are they providing value commensurate with the investment? Not all programs are equal, and there is not one-size-fits all. This panel of business leaders and risk assessment experts discuss what is achievable and what should be expected from a risk assessment program. Perspectives include the influences of operations diversity, program sophistications, toolsets in use, utility of results by executives and operations personnel, regulatory drivers, and utility of results over time.
Monday, July 19, 2021
Session Time: 3:45 PM - 4:30 PM
Track: Business Development and Strategic Management
Speaker: Rafael Mael, MBA - Maelstrom
How much of your last proposal was actually read? How much of your last sales presentation was actually heard? As an integrator, you're constantly communicating. But is anyone listening? Whether too complicated, too irrelevant, or too good to be true, most messages are easy to ignore. In this session, you’ll learn three specific, practical techniques to build power and excitement into your message. Transform your sales efforts from boring to thrilling by “wrapping the package” Connect your value to your prospect’s real need — not what it says in the RFQ Simplify and amplify your brand narrative by “turning down the noise”
Monday, July 19, 2021
Session Time: 3:45 PM - 4:30 PM
Track: Tec@ISC Presented by PSA
Panelist: Ken Whelan - Engineered Security Systems
Panelist: Matt Barnette - The PSA Network
Moderator: Tim Brooks - PSA
Panelist: Louis Boulgarides, CPP - Olliver Corporation
Integrators need to know what the right technology and offerings for managed services are in today’s marketplace. The “rip-and-replace” model for systems simply will not work in recessions and economic downturns. Small businesses, medical offices, retailers, and schools are all seeking partners that can help them navigate rapidly evolving cloud and mobile technology, monitor compliance issues, and increase efficiency. In this session, panelists will share some of their challenges and best practices faced when choosing managed service offerings. They will also discuss the benefits of the services offered that generate recurring revenue for security integrators.
Monday, July 19, 2021
Session Time: 3:45 PM - 4:30 PM
Track: COVID-19 Response & Public Safety and Health
Speaker: J. Kelly Stewart, MBA, CHS-IV, CFC, SSI - Newcastle Consulting, LLC
Speaker: Steven Oplinger - Star Asset Security
July 19-21, 2021 •